Re: Cats in School 2021/22
So you wanna be a cat?
You say you “identify” as a cat?
And you’d like a litter pan
in the bathroom?
Don’t be ridiculous
Grow up
You’re not a cat
The world is in crisis and you need a good education to stop it
Do you think you can walk around all day
without a care in the world?
Pile on top of your friends and play?
You think you can rest in a beam of sunlight?
Preen and pretty yourself
while there’s work to do?
You’re not a cat
Sit up straight
Focus on the computer
No, not on your phone
In the tech room
You’re on your screen too much
You know that if you’re a cat you don’t get to use your iPad right?
And you’ll have to start living outside
Your eyes will have to get used to the dark
And you’ll have to stop caring so much
Cats don’t care
If we let you be a cat
What’s next?
Another teacher will want to be a monkey
And another a horse
No, no one swings from trees here
No one runs free with the wind in their hair
It’s hard enough that the gym teacher can barely keep from howling at the moon
every time it fulls
That the English teacher has a tail
under their skirt
That the janitor hides pointed ears
And the math teacher: fangs
For now we’ve got to pretend
Until the system catches up with us
Or vines grow over the classroom
For now
We have to pretend like defecating into
bowls of clean water when others
have no water at all
is a good idea
For now, we have to pretend
That the trees are just trees
And that kids are the only ones
who are acting out
Repressing their catness
For now we all have to pretend
like we don’t need to sharpen our claws,
that the papier-mâché is holding,
the construction paper is not faded
and that we don’t hear the beckoning
of trees
asking us to climb them
perhaps only to tease
the fire department